Active Directory Automation: The Next Step toward the Brave New World?

IT is changing. Cloud services, whether public, private, or hybrid, introduce a new focus for operations teams. We are no longer fixated on building and maintaining infrastructure—we need to concentrate on automating management, delivering services, and developing future iterations of our systems to make the enterprise more capable, more agile, and more profitable. Even the …

The Value of DevOps in the Enterprise

We live in interesting times. If I were to chart the increase in the number of customers asking for help with DevOps, that chart would look like a hockey stick, that same kind of hockey stick our CFOs are always dreaming of. If I added another line on the chart for the percentage of those …

Security Questions from VMworld 2013

While at VMworld 2013, I started to ask 5 security questions that have been bothering me for some time now. Some of these questions apparently have no answers currently and others only have operational answers, no technology. Security of a secure hybrid cloud is a mix of procedures, policies, operations, and technology. These questions are about various aspects of virtual and cloud environments that have been nagging at me for some time now as well as problems I have faced managing our own cloud instances. Perhaps you have questions you would like to add to the list, if so please share.