Does RES Software portfolio update deliver DaaS?

If DaaS provider is only focused on hosting a virtual desktop they are failing you. If you only provide a desktop to your customers – you will annoy them. You don’t deliver “a desktop” you deliver “a workspace”. RES Software have recently released a number of updates, new releases and patents that help put the Service into desktop-as-a-service. When considering your own enterprise desktop environment, or enhancing your DaaS offering – what tools are you using to automate delivery? Does the updated RES Software portfolio assist?

Onlive Desktop: VDI cannot be DaaS until Microsoft say so.

OnLive Desktop is on the verge of making a game-changing move in the VDI space delivering the hope of a service that a CFO would bite your hand off for. OnLive’s delivery capability is a wakeup call to the ISVs and SPs who are trying to penetrate this market. With the license battle is about to ensue, Microsoft has the heads up display and is the one holding the shotgun, perhaps OnLive can finally convince Redmond that its always more fun in multiplayer mode.