The PaaS Build vs. Buy Decision You Didn’t Know You Were Making

It’s no secret that a majority of enterprises are slow to adopt PaaS solutions and favor IaaS solutions instead. What is a well-kept secret is that these enterprises are building their own PaaS solutions on top of IaaS without even realizing it.

Citrix Workspace Services: Click Next, Next, Next… ?

The new Citrix Workspace Services was the major announcement at the Citrix Synergy conference last week. Citrix Workspace Services, an all-encompassing Platform as a Service (PaaS) built on Microsoft Azure, will enable service providers and enterprises to offer Citrix virtualization and cloud services to their customers. It will be in tech preview later in 2014, …

The Impact of the IaaS Price Wars

Public cloud IaaS providers are competing heavily on price. Watching Google, AWS, and Microsoft play the falling prices game is like watching a ping-pong match. It is just a matter of time before IBM’s SoftLayer matches the prices as well. Adrian Cockcroft wrote a great piece called The Real Story Behind the Cloud Price War, …