It’s Deja Vu All Over Again in the Cloud

There is an old saying, “the definition of insanity is to repeat the same thing over and over and expect a different result.” The way many enterprises are approaching the cloud, insanity would be a great way of classifying it. When we look across most enterprises, we see a collection of technologies from every era …

The War on PaaS

For over a year now, a large number of industry experts have been asking questions like “is PaaS becoming just a feature of IaaS?,” “is PaaS dying?,” “do you really need a PaaS?,” and “is PaaS dead?” This has raised great deal of passionate debate in Twitter-land and other social media outlets, although supporters of …

OpenShift, Why Won’t You Do What I Want?

I recently spent a fruitless afternoon on the public PaaS version of Cloud Foundry. In this post, I document an equally fruitless afternoon spent on Red Hat’s OpenShift. It think it is fair to say that OpenShift has some advantages over Cloud Foundry for public PaaS. OpenShift feels more comfortable, its integration of a build …

Cloud Foundry and OpenShift Comparison

I plan to spend an afternoon getting an ISV application to run on the public PaaS version of OpenShift—to allow direct comparison with a fruitless afternoon spent on the public PaaS version of Cloud Foundry. In this post, I explain the radical difference in approaches I am taking in the two environments to deal with …