Start of VMworld

It is the start of VMworld and my during my first days of meetings and briefings I have met up with a few companies like Quali Systems, Rackware and Intiqua that are focusing on automation. These meetings have further confirmed my thoughts from my previous post that automation has now made it mainstream and will continue to grow from here. I expect more and more 3rd party offerings that will automate more day to day tasks and so much more.

Checking Out The Possibilities Of A Storage Cloud Platform With Atmos and Panzura

Checking out the possibilities of a storage cloud platform with Atmos and Panzura: The advancement, acceptance and continued growing use of the public cloud storage and backup services gives us, the end users, options and capabilities that we just did not have available to us before the birth of the cloud. How many times have we used services like Drop Box to move, share or store some form a data that we might been working on. Having this kind of capability really helps to make our lives easier but is also a nightmare of corporate security folks whose job is to protect and secure the corporate data.