Container Security Podcast

There is a recent CVE (CVE-2016-9962) that directly affects container security. A patch was quickly forthcoming. This raised some interesting concerns. Specifically, how do you patch a container infrastructure? What needs to be patched? The “what” is easy; the “how” is more difficult. As we move to cloud-native applications, where we tear down apps rapidly …

Virtual Desktop Patching and Data Protection

Data Protection and patch management of virtual desktops, while not a sexy topic, is one that should happen on a regular basis within any organization implementing or working to implement virtual desktops. Recently, we have been testing virtual desktop software and there is a huge difference between patching and protecting data in a small number of instances and 1000s of instances. There are scale considerations as well as ease of use for file level and system recovery as well as issues with patching virtual desktops (not to mention other security issues).