Impact of Scale on Security

At InfoSec World 2018, the vast majority of roundtable discussions were about people and process, with little mention of technology. My talk was about the impact of scale on security. There were several notable conclusions that can be drawn from the conversation. I was a guide or moderator, and the conversation went to places that …

Keeping Up with the Joneses: A Cloud Story

Many companies go to the cloud to keep up with the Joneses or others. Some go to the cloud to keep up with their own needs. Others set impossible requirements that preclude the cloud. Yet others set goals that make creating on-site difficult. Many who go to the cloud, however, go without thought. There are …

Enterprises Operate Their IT; Hyperscalers Build Their IT

There is a lot of talk of having enterprises build and operate IT infrastructure the same way hyperscalers do. AWS, Google, and Microsoft can build and operate cloud platforms that are very cost effective. The logic is that enterprise businesses can use the same techniques to build and operate their own efficient data centers. I …

When SaaS Goes Awry

Recently, I have had a spate of calendar issues from various sources and of various types. Some calendar entries are given the wrong time zone, others show up on one device but not another, and some have no email capability embedded. All of these issues occur when various calendar services are used by those sending …