Sauron, I Mean Cisco, Buys Piston Cloud

Cloud computing is starting to come of age. It has fundamentally altered the IT landscape, dramatically boosting IT agility while lowering costs. What started out as a side project for companies like VMware has led to the proliferation of cloud providers and stacks from IaaS providers based on OpenStack, PaaS providers like Cloud Foundry, and …

Technology Update from the Field

There have been a spate of press releases and news in and around the industry over the last few weeks that bear further consideration. They could actually solve some of your current cloud and virtual environment issues while opening new doors for future expansion. As an architect and analyst I find these technology very interesting for their possible impact of the future of virtual and cloud environment not to mention data center designs.

VMware Poised to Accelerate OpenStack Adoption

Last week’s inaugural board meeting of the new OpenStack Foundation signaled a change in the organization as Rackspace the driving force behind OpenStack handed control to the newly formed board. Allen Clark director of SUSE was appointed chairman, with Lew Tucker Cisco’s VP and CTO of cloud joining the board as Vice Chairman. Members of the OpenStack community who had voiced concerns that OpenStack’s founder Rackspace’s had too much control over the project should be please by these appointments which are seen as key to establishing OpenStack’s bona fides.

News: Piston Cloud and Gridcentric Partner to Deliver First Commercial OpenStack VDI Platform

Piston Cloud Computing raised a few eyebrows on Tuesday with the announcement that it was extending its Piston Enterprise OS (PentOS) to provide a platform for hosting virtual desktops (VDI) through an exclusive licensing deal with Toronto-based Gridcentric for its innovative Virtual Memory Streaming (VMS) technology.