End-of-Year Roundup

This has been an eventful year, with lots going on. This is an end of year roundup. It is the year when second-order analytics and machine learning became commonplace. The year when artificial intelligence became more than just a daydream. It has been a year of some extremely nasty attacks, ones that nearly took out …

Blindly Heading Toward the Technology Abyss

Blindly heading toward the technology abyss. For years now, more and more information is moved and stored into the digital world and each and every day we keep hearing about yet another system that has been compromised and more data has been stolen or as of recent news, another ransomware attack that is shutting down computers around the world. The thing is for certain, these attacks and thefts of data are becoming more and more frequent and nefarious in nature with reports coming in that the most recent ransomware attack may not be ransomware at all but rather something much worse.

Automation: Security’s Secret Weapon

In the two most recent Virtualization and Cloud Security Podcasts, we concentrated primarily on three subjects: WannaCry and its impact, multicloud security, and the role of security in the future of the data center and multicloud. We listed perfect examples of how security can reach out and grow its impact on an ever-changing organization by …