40,000 Firewalls! Help Please!?

While at VMworld I was suddenly hit with a blast of heat generated by the 40,000 VMs running within the VMworld Datacenter of 150 Cisco UCS blades or so. This got me thinking about how would VMsafe fit into this environment and therefore about real virtualization security within the massive virtual machine possible within a multi-tenant cloud environment. If you use VMsafe within this environment there would be at least 40,000 VMsafe firewalls. If it was expanded to the full load of virtual NICs possible per VM there could be upwards of 400,000 virtual firewalls possible! At this point my head started to spin! I asked this same question on the Virtualization Security Podcast, which I host, and the panel was equally impressed with the numbers. So what is the solution?

Updated: There is a Need for VMsafe Certification from VMware

The use of VMware VMsafe enabled third party products introduces third party fastpath drivers into your hypervisor. What these drivers ultimately do is interact with the VMsafe fastpath API, but is that ALL they do? That is why we need some level of certification for VMsafe fast path drivers. We need to KNOW that they do not do anything wrong, bad, or unfortunate.