News: AppSense DataNow: Anywhere data access that starts in the enterprise

DataNow Essentials is now available. DataNow allows you to integrate with what is already there, with no need to provision more storage or migrate data, thus keeping cost and complexity low and speeding deployment time, and avoids cloud or storage vendor lock-in. Datanow is available to existing customers of AppSense’s user virtualization product suite free of charge – but is not a product in its own right. This is an interesting change in scope – other file storage solutions offer a sharing function in their own right. AppSense’s key consideration here is very likely that user virtualisation needs data to be portable.

AppSense DataLocker gives Dropbox more security hints at the beginning of the end for VDI?

AppSense Lab’s DataLocker’s first release offers a method of encrypting and decrypting files to allow secure storage in cloud services. This is a new direction for AppSense – with support for win32/win64 platforms, but also Mac and iOS. A useful free tool, not really enterprise ready – but an important start for AppSense who are now looking at how to enable organisations to better adopt consumerization into their IT strategy.

RES Software Announce HyperDrive: follow-me-data more than sharing files or dropping stuff in a box

RES is joining a crowded party of file sharing solutions but they bring a cloud pricing license structure to a on-premise file sharing solution. The RES Hyperdrive solution can span a range of end-devices be they VDI, desktop or a hybrid and at an interesting price point. With clients for PC, Mac, Windows mobile, Blackberry, ipad, iphone and android RES Hyperdrive is very much worthy of consideration to help you manage data delivery to your end-device estate.