Comparison – Hybrid Cloud Data Protection – Mechanisms

This is the first of many comparisons and commentaries on data protection within the hybrid cloud. We are looking at the mechanisms used to achieve data protection. Mechanisms—how boring—yet from an architectural and data management view, mechanisms become increasingly important. The mechanisms available can impact the costs of your data protection. One example: it is often …

Any Time, Any Place, Anywhere: Recovery, Vembu Has You Covered

In this, the second article in our series investigating the benefits of Vembu BDR for Virtualized Environments, we examine Vembu’s restoration capabilities. We all know that backing up your data is only one part of the equation. The ability to recover is the other, and arguably more important, side. This is where Vembu BDR really …

IO IO it is off to Storage and IO metrics we go

There are many different types of metrics pertaining to storage and IO that can be grouped into Performance, Availability, Capacity, Economics and Energy (PACE). Every application or workload has some characteristics attribute of Performance, Availability, Capacity, Economics and Energy that can be further broken down into metrics that are more detailed.