Dell EMC: The Big Day

Yesterday, after many worries—some regulatory (Would the EU sanction the deal? Would China sanction the deal?), some legal (Were the financial instruments being used to finance the deal unlawful under the US tax code?)—the biggest IT merger ever in terms of monetary value finally occurred. This is one of those landmark occasions. Two of the biggest names in our industry, Dell …

Dell + EMC = Less Security?

Dell has announced it will spin off its SecureWorks product portfolio. SecureWorks is very late to the cloud and virtualization security market, and it may never get there. EMC RSA ignored the cloud and virtualization security market and now is struggling to find a footing in the larger IoT market. VCE has no security reference …

Dell: The Future for EMC

Dell is the future for EMC and, incidentally, for VMware. But how is this future going to be formed? Assuming the stockholders agree, the deal will go through. How will Dell ingest such a large organization with such a diverse product line that competes with Dell—not to mention VMware, which, while part of the Federation, is traded separately. …

Identity in the Secure Hybrid Cloud

When it comes to the secure hybrid cloud, Identity has many different definitions from a device a user is using to the combination device, location, password, and other multi-factor authentication means. Even with all the technology there is still the question of where the identity store lives (the bits that contain the identity for all users, devices, etc.) as well as how do you prove identity once the user goes somewhere within the cloud which is outside your control?

Big Data Security Tools

On the May 30th Virtualization Security Podcast, Michael Webster (@vcdxnz001) joined us Live from HP Discover to discuss what we found at the show and other similar tools around the industry. The big data security news was a loosely coupled product named HAVEn which is derived from several products: Hadoop, Autonomy, Vertica, Enterprise Security, and any number of Apps. HAVEn’s main goal is to provide a platform on top of which HP and others can produce big data applications using Autonomy for unstructured data, Vertica for structured data, Enterprise Security for data governance and hadoop. HP has already built several security tools upon HAVEn, and I expect more. Even so, HAVEn is not the only tools to provide this functionality, but it may be the only one to include data governance in from the beginning.