Virtualization & Cloud Security Ep 1

We are trying out a new format for the Virtualization & Cloud Security Podcast: video. We’ll post it up on YouTube as well as posting it via Talkshoe and iTunes. In this episode, Mike Foley (@mikefoley) of VMware Technical Marketing joins me to discuss IoT security, the RSA Conference, and hardening guides. We have spoken …

RSA Conference: What was Interesting

As I met with people at RSA Conference last week, the common question was: What was interesting and new? My view was from the world of virtualization and cloud security, which often differs from general or mobile security. This show was more about general and mobile security than it was about virtualization and cloud security due to the confluence of VMware Partner Exchange (PEX) and RSA Conference. There were quite a few things that were new from the show floor, RSA Innovation Sandbox, and other conversations.

Virtualization and Cloud Conferences for the Year

It is often very hard to plan which virtualization and cloud conferences to attend and why. You may need to start your planning now as justification from work could be hard to come by. It may mean you make the decision to go on your own dime. If you do the later, there are some alternative mechanisms that could work for the bigger conferences. The conferences and events I attend every year depend on my status with the organization hosting those events, and whether or not I can get a ‘deal’ as a speaker, analyst, or blogger. So what conferences do I find worth attending? That will also depend on your job role. There is one I would attend regardless of role, and a few I would attend as a Virtualization and Cloud Security person. All are good conferences.