Overly, Underlay, Packets Flow Free. Is SDN Going to Take Over the World?

A software-defined network: is it an evolution or a revolution in networking? The hype of SDN has been around for several years, but as yet it doesn’t seem to have managed to get much traction outside of the MSPs and Fortune 500 companies with regard to SDN, and telcos with regard to SD-WAN. When, if …

VMware to Acquire VeloCloud

VMware has just announced that it intends to acquire the SD-WAN company VeloCloud in an attempt to expand the capabilities of its networking business unit. No one can deny that VMware NSX is a very capable networking product, but it does have gaps and is incomplete. In reality, it can only create software-defined network islands surrounded …

Why Do You Need an SD-WAN?

The vast majority of companies—any companies that have multiple sites or remote access workers—need to consider the question “Why do I need an SD-WAN?” This is no longer just the purview of the large enterprise. First, a definition is in order.  SDxCentral defines the SD-WAN as follows: The software-defined wide area network (SD–WAN) is a specific application of …