DevOps and ITIL Revisited

DevOps and ITIL are like oil and water to many pundits. Some people hold that the two cannot coexist in today’s modern-day IT shops, advising companies to move away from ITIL as they start embracing the DevOps movement. I argued against this recommendation in a post called Unicorns, Horses, ITIL, and Enterprise DevOps.

Improving PaaS Security: Get your Developers Involved

The 6/16 Virtualization Security Podcast started as a twitter conversation with a comment about PaaS Security where James Urquhart, Krishnan Subramanian, Rich Miller, and myself went back and forth about PaaS security and the role of the developer. It was not quite a DevOps conversation but pretty close. Rich could not join us on this Podcast but hopefully will make a future one. PaaS security appears to be dependent on two things, the provider’s security, and how it is used.