With the Arrival of Version 10.1, Where Is AppSense DesktopNow Going Now?

On January 11, 2017, AppSense announced the general availability of version 10.1 of its DesktopNow suite. Version 10.0 has been around since June of 2016, but the imminent arrival of Server 2016 led to a rapid movement toward 10.1, which is now viewed as the latest “stable” release. This seems to have been a one-off, …

MS Ignite Roundup

Microsoft has just wrapped up its MS Ignite conference in Atlanta. MS Ignite, which morphed from Microsoft’s TechEd conference, is the conference at which Microsoft traditionally announces and GAs its newest products and delivers its technical strategy announcements. The latest conference has not been a disappointment. This year, as expected for a tech conference, it is all about cloud, cloud, and more cloud, with a …