The Software Defined Data Center

The Software Defined Data Center: That was pretty much the biggest takeaway from this year’s VMworld in San Francisco. VMware made announcements about the new vSan that will be coming out soon and will enhance the software defined storage aspect and also the announcement about the NSX platform that addresses one of the final hurdles, network virtualization, to pave the path to finally have a completely software defined datacenter.

What Happened to Software Defined Networking?

What happened to Software Defined Networking? A while back I wrote a post where I thought 2012 would be the year for Software Defined Network (SDN) and I am really surprised that this technology has not gained greater ground. Now that we are half way through 2013, I find myself still waiting for the adoption of this technology to really take off. With investments from companies like Cisco, IBM, Alcatel, Juniper Networks, Broadcom, Citrix, Dell, Google, HP, Intel, NEC, and Verizon which all have current SDN initiatives, SDN will assume a role in IT infrastructure at some point. It just seems like it is going to take a little while longer to catch on.