Numecent's CloudPaging: Polished App Streaming or a Brand New Outfit?

Numecent believe Cloudpaging has the potential to impact all connected devices where software needs to be delivered rapidly and securely. Cloudpaging isn;t just a fancy marketing term for a re-branded application virtualisation. Numecent have delivered a new application delivery technology that is poised to open up a new application delivery mechanism not only for enterprises, but for both ISVs and MSPs.

Quest delivers IE 6 rescue package

With a little over 28 months left until Microsoft ends all support for Windows XP and with Internet Explorer 6, the time to consider their replacements is long overdue. While Microsoft and others have acted to deliver tools to assist with Windows 7 migration activities little effort has been made to address the challenge of IE 6. One of the others Quest has released an IE 6 rescue package. However, if anything, Microsoft’s only visible response has been to act stymie the actions of those withing to offer a solution.

Application Virtualization or Application Deployment, which one is better? (Part V)

Taking a look at solutions from Citrix, Endeavours Technologies, InstallFree, Microsoft, Spoon, Symantec, UniDesk and VMWare. “Is it a choice between Application Delivery vs Application Virtualization?”

Application Virtualization or Application Deployment, which one is better? (Part IV)

Application Deployment solutions reduce the cost of delivering applications and help you manage license use? With the end of support for Windows XP happening in 2014 many businesses are moving towards Windows 7 – ideally this inevitable cost is kept low. Application Virtualization can be used on ‘traditional’ desktops and laptops. Application Virtualization can be used in client side-hypervisors. Application Virtualization extends and increases the efficiencies of desktop virtualization as well as enabling portability and improving compatibility of applications. Application Virtualization can free you, not only from the limitation of having to “install within each device”, but lead the way in offering an alternative to “install on only corporate devices”. Application Virtualization can be a tool to reduce the complexity and time needed to move from Windows XP to Windows 7, and from future application updates. Indeed, for many companies, Application Virutalization is an option that can be used now by utilising existing license agreements, or for less cost than converting the application to run as a web-based service.

Running Internet Explorer 6 beyond Windows XP

How can you run IE6 in a Windows 7 or a Windows 2008 environment? Looking at how to use desktop and presentation virtualization in comparison to application virtualization to deliver choice and options to your users in the desktop environment