I Have a dream, a journey into setting up a startup company today

“I have a dream” is what Martin Luther King Jr. said, and admittedly, his was at least an order of magnitude larger than the dreams of an average company founder. But all companies start with a dream. Dreams are great: in them, you can invariably be invincible, conquer every challenge. However, such dreams can quickly …

Oracle Expands Its Cloud into Indian Subcontinent

As we have stated before on The Virtualization Practice, Oracle has woken up to the cloud in a very large way. Acquisitions such as Ravello Systems, StackEngine, and Datalogix have the potential to turn this leviathan into a dominant cloud player. Oracle has started to move from a position of catch-up, though acquisitions, into an active development phase. …

Virtualization Must Be Intuitive and Easy

With so many vendors in the virtualization marketplace, new products are released daily, and only some of them will ultimately prove to be successful. The competition for both mindshare and wallet is fierce, and this is forcing new vendors in particular to simplify new products brought into the marketplace in order to achieve success.