Measuring Data Protection Success

How do you measure your data-protection success? This is a question that has plagued many folks. Data-protection success could be measured by cost savings, peace of mind, recovery success, or the number of support tickets opened to achieve true data protection. Most likely it is a combination of all those items.

What is your Definition of a Successful Implementation?

How do we measure success? This seems like it should be an easy question to answer but is it? Success itself is a dynamic variable that can be defined in several different ways from a promotion or even recognition from your peers. Now what about a successful cloud implementation or implementation in general? How would you define success? The true definition of implementing is to fulfill; perform; carry out: or to put into effect according to or by means of a definite plan or procedure. For the design and implementation team, success could be defined by the completed installation design, deployment and verification testing of all functionality as defined in the statement of work.