Can the SMB Afford Virtualization?

There has been quite a bit of debate about SMB virtualization and what they want. However, no one has really looked into whether or not the SMB can afford virtualization. There is quite a bit of talk that says that the SMB wants everything for free, or that they will get immediate benefits from virtualization, but can they actually afford VMware, HyperV, XenServer, or KVM?

Updated: There is a Need for VMsafe Certification from VMware

The use of VMware VMsafe enabled third party products introduces third party fastpath drivers into your hypervisor. What these drivers ultimately do is interact with the VMsafe fastpath API, but is that ALL they do? That is why we need some level of certification for VMsafe fast path drivers. We need to KNOW that they do not do anything wrong, bad, or unfortunate.

Is Network Security the Major Component of Virtualization Security?

In many cases when you start to discuss security of virtualization, you soon drop into a discussion of virtual networking, and management network security. In other words you are laying out the traditional security zones that exist within the networking world. Network security, virtual and physical, is extremely important however there is more to virtualization security than just your network. Here are some new ways to consider virtualization security.

VMware Forcing Third Parties to NOT Sell Products for Free ESXi

Veeam has posted a blog of their own trying to explain why they are no longer selling Veeam Backup 3.x for the Free version of VMware ESXi. It is perfectly understandable that Veeam would comply with VMware’s requests in this matter as Veeam as a company depends upon their relationship with VMware to further their own business aims. In other words, Veeam has done nothing that could be considered wrong. However, VMware making the request in the first place should be a major concern to current and future vendors of VMware products.