One Step to Destroy Your Business

Aidan Finn commented recently on a Microsoft infographic about How to Kill Your Business in 5 Simple Steps—and they are very good steps to consider. (Thank you to @gilwood_cs for pointing this out to me.) However, regardless of those issues, there is one, just one, simple way to destroy your business these days. Five is …

Measuring Data Protection Success

How do you measure your data-protection success? This is a question that has plagued many folks. Data-protection success could be measured by cost savings, peace of mind, recovery success, or the number of support tickets opened to achieve true data protection. Most likely it is a combination of all those items.

Making Do: The SMB Perspective

Small and medium business and enterprises often make do with what they can do today while dreaming about tomorrow. Most SMBs look to have communication tools in place both for communication with the outside world (email, the Web, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.) and for communication between team members (email, IM, etc.). Most of this can …

Lessons We Can Learn from the Code Spaces Attack

It was all over the web on June 18: Code Spaces went off the air, as we discussed during the Virtualization Security Podcast on 6/19. The reasons are fairly normal in the world of IT and the cloud. They were hacked. Not by subverting the Amazon cloud, but in ways considered more traditional—even mundane. An …

The Face of the New Backup

Backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity have changed quite a bit over the years, and they will continue to change into the future as more capability, analytics, and functionality are added to the general family of data protection tools. As we launch ourselves into the clouds, we need to perhaps rethink how we do data …