What Has Nirvanix Done and What Would You Do

Let me paint a scenario for you. You’re virtual/cloud computing environment is just plain rocking. This environment is a well-oiled machine capable of handling all your company’s needs, but you still find yourself in need of extra resources at times and make the leap into a hybrid cloud configuration. Everything is going well, really well, actually, and you have moved more and more resources into your hybrid space. Life is good…Up until you receive your two weeks’ notice; now the fun really begins. Not really.

Data Protection for the Hybrid Cloud

In many cases, when we mention Data Protection for the Hybrid Cloud, we are usually talking about backing up to the cloud. The cloud becomes a repository of our backup images and in some cases those backup images can be launched within clouds that use the same technology. Being able to send data to the cloud is becoming table stakes for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) data protection. However, once we move outside the realm of IaaS to Platform or Software as a Service (PaaS or SaaS), data protection is hit or miss.