Have You Heard about the Shadow Brokers Tools Dump?

Have you ever heard of the “Shadow Brokers”? Up until this weekend I had not really ever heard of the term “Shadow Brokers” but it appears the Shadow Brokers are a group of “hackers” that have really put a new spin on the term lost in translation. On Good Friday and ahead of the Easter holiday, the Shadow Brokers have dumped a new collection of files, which they have called “Lost in Translation”, containing what appears to be exploits and hacking tools targeting Microsoft’s Windows OS as well as Linux and firewall as well as other and at the same time they have presented evidence that the Equation Group had gained access to servers and targeted the SWIFT banking system of several banks across the world.

No Matter How Many Tools You Have, IT Is Practised by People

No matter how much technology we have, everything is about people. Even the best tools and automation can fail if the people operating them are not good at IT. Often we buy tools to fix problems, only to find that the tool is not the solution. The problem is not with the tool: more often, there is …