Notes from the Field: Leadership Matters in Transformation

Over the past few months, I’ve been writing about my engagement with a global organization and its journey of transformation into a more agile organization, driving business enablement. One thing has remained missing: real leadership. This large corporation has thousands upon thousands of people, and many of them are in “leadership” roles. The problem here is that …

Notes from the Field: Diversity of Conversations, Hyperconvergence, and Adaptive Enterprise

One thing can be said about the world of consulting: the conversations you have with customers never cease to be diverse. My current engagement with a large multinational enterprise that contains multiple business areas with multiple business units is the epitome of that descriptor. We go from high-level, esoteric conversations about economics, value exchange, and …

Notes from the Field: The Rate of Change

I stated in my last article that an adaptive enterprise—or, as this customer likes to call it now, an extended enterprise—is built, not bought. It is a transformational process, and every enterprise arrives at the task of transforming itself with a different history and different goals, priorities, and needs.

IT Governance: Notes from the Field

A critical factor in achieving speed of execution is being clear about who gets to make which decisions. Governance is about establishing a framework to ensure that all decisions are made by the right person or persons, according to the importance of the decision and the expertise and organizational responsibilities of the parties to the …