Another Side of the Net Neutrality Debate

My friend and colleague Tom Howarth published an article titled Net Neutrality Threatened as FCC Plans Internet Fast Lanes. In his post, Tom did a very good job articulating the pro–net neutrality arguments. I thought this would be a good opportunity to present the other side of the net neutrality argument, but in the midst of my research I found that my positions and views on this matter are moving in a different direction.

Round One in Social Media and First Amendment Rights

I recently wrote an article about a potential class action court case being brought against the President of the United States by the Knight Foundation. In the article, I posited that public servants who use their private social media accounts to make work-related statements may run the risk of causing their accounts to become public …

Twitter and the Right Not to Be Blocked

What follows in pure conjecture, and in no way constitutes legal opinion. It merely outlines one of many possible outcomes. An article in the New York Post on June 6 reported on a potential legal case aiming to force President Trump to unblock users he has blocked from seeing or tweeting to his timeline, either directly …

Is Twitter Dead for Technologists?

As a technologist, I am always looking for a way to communicate with like-minded individuals. In many ways, I used to do that through Twitter. However, is Twitter becoming nothing more than a glorified RSS feed? I still see lots of sharing occurring on Twitter, but I do not see much in the way of …

vCloud Air Attack: Back to Basics

VMware recently announced an upgrade to vSphere, 5.5 Update 2d, that fixes an issue with transparent page sharing (TPS). This issue allowed an attacker to break encryption keys if VMs shared the same server even for a small amount of time. This is not a trivial problem, but it brings me to a simple point. …

Social Servers

The twenty-first century has brought with it the rise of virtualization and cloud computing, along with the ascent of social media. Nowadays, it appears that a solid majority of people have participated in some sort of social media outlet, such as Facebook, Twitter, Yammer, SocialCast, and SnapChat, just to name a few. There is no …