Cyber Defense: Using Virtual Desktops?

There was recently a rather heated twitter discussion between @Guisebule, @VirtualTal, and @Texiwill (myself) about using virtual desktops as a part of cyber defense. While this could be true, there is a need to ensure you know where your virtual desktop(s) start and end, not only within the network, but your applications in use. In addition, it is very important to fully understand the scope of a virtual desktop architecture as well as use.

End User Environment Management for VDI

When considering your VDI deployment hosting your workspaces is not the only consideration. Careful consideration needs to be made on the management of the performance, license use and user’s environment to give, not only a good user experience, but a timely return on your investment.

Ulteo – Open Source Desktop Broker

Ulteo has just released Version 2 of its Open Virtual Desktop (OVD), an Open Source desktop broker product which is designed to deliver GUI applications running on Linux, Terminal Services and Windows to java-enabled browsers. Ulteo’s appeal is likely to be to more cost-conscious and linux-oriented organizations than the large enterprise customers of Citrix, VMware, Ericom, Systancia or Quest, but within these potentially new markets it can deliver many of the mangeability benefits of the existing proprietary products, and it has few competitors for its key feature of delivering both Linux and Terminal Services desktop applications through the same portal.

News: XenDesktop 4 – Fulfilling the promise of an Enterprise Desktop

Today Citrix announced the release of XenDesktop 4, their next generation Virtual Desktop solution with the promise of being able to deliver a right sized desktop to any user in an organization. Along with 70 enhancements and new features, Citrix is positioning XenDesktop as the most flexible and open architecture solution supporting all types of client devices and hypervisors including Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware ESX and vSphere.

Enterprise Desktop Strategy – White Paper

Virtual desktop infrastructure solutions present organizations with an alternative for deploying traditional PC desktops. Think that a virtual desktop is going to be the panacea to alleviate your current desktop woes? There is much that needs to be considered before rolling out your first solution. In this analysis I take a look at the necessary steps an organization must take to determine the best desktop solution for their environment.