MokaFive steps in to fill VMware ACE gap

On December 1, VMware announced plans to discontinue sales of it’s type II desktop virtualization hypervisor management platform VMware ACE Assured Computing Environment (ACE), leaving existing ACE customers in the lurch with no recommended way forwards. Now MokaFive is looking to fill the gap by offering a heavily discounted MokaFive Suite to help them out

VMware doesn't have a Client Side Hypervisor solution – so what?

Is the lack of Client Hypervisor (CHv) a problem for VMware in delivering a complete desktop solution to customers especially in the light of the XenClient release announcement? Indeed, is a client side hypervisor, technology viable for business use now, where should a CHv be considered in your desktop strategy? Is it simply a BYOC solution? Centralising desktop services is not just about delivering a hosted virtual desktop infrastructure. Managing and maintaining the end devices is equally important. CHv is a technology that is viable for business uses now beyond BYOC to match an ever more mobile

Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization – MED-V: Just a Band-Aid Solution?

Is Med-V only a ‘point solution’ to ease migration or can you use that functionality to a wider audience to solve other problems? When considering Med-v as part of MDOP, is it a useful client hypervisor tool for reducing desktop management costs.

Delivering your "desktop as a service" to laptop users

Indeed a challenge in migrating to a Hosted Virtual Desktop (HVD) solution is what to do with existing devices. Citrix’s High Definition User EXperience (HDX) technologies for example, typically relies on the end device supporting a Microsoft Windows operating system to deliver the best user experience. If that is the case, how will you manage the end device that delivers the user’s HVD? Vendors such as DevonIT, Igel, and 10ZiG would naturally suggest you replace your traditional PC with a Thin Client: vendors such as PanoLogic, Teradici and Wyse would highlight the advantages of Zero Client devices – yet moving away from existing devices is a costly exercise in terms of providing replacement devices. And indeed – still does not address off-line working.