Blindly heading toward the technology abyss. For years now, more and more information is moved and stored into the digital world and each and every day we keep hearing about yet another system that has been compromised and more data has been stolen or as of recent news, another ransomware attack that is shutting down computers around the world. The thing is for certain, these attacks and thefts of data are becoming more and more frequent and nefarious in nature with reports coming in that the most recent ransomware attack may not be ransomware at all but rather something much worse.
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Should Vendors Be Legislated into Providing Ongoing Software Support?
The WannaCry “ransomworm” highlighted a number of issues in modern enterprise IT. Dealing with legacy software, support, maintaining good patching processes, effectively mitigating discovered vulnerabilities, responsible disclosure—all of these points have been highlighted and discussed in the aftermath of the outbreak.
Cry Me a River: Cloud-Native Security
WannaCry, SambaCry, and other attacks have pinpointed the need to not just protect from unwarranted access, but to define unwarranted better. It is not just about ports and firewalls, but also about applications, APIs, and processes. In other words, services. Many of these services need to communicate about the ports that need to be blocked …
WannaCry Highlights that We’re Still Struggling to Deal with Legacy Software
There’s no need for a breathless recap of the “ransomworm” that recently spread across the globe. WannaCry was the name given to this piece of malware, and it affected hundreds of thousands of devices across more than a hundred countries.
Anti-Ransomware: All About Architecture
As I read the “we solve ransomware” emails in my inbox and saw comments on Twitter and Slack, I started to think about how to solve ransomware once and for all. It sounds like a difficult task, but I think it is all about an architecture: an architecture that uses modern ideas. A solution needs to combine …