New Research: ITaaS Coverage

Our second research document looks into requirements for IT as a Service and covers three of our sponsors: SIOS, Turbonomic, and Zenoss. IT as a Service (ITaaS) covers a wide range of products that monitor, automate, and manage cloud, virtual, and physical environments. The products include those for performance, capacity, and event management. We also …

Comparison: IT as a Service Event Management

Part of any IT management platform is the handling of events, whether that is aggregating external events, creating its own events, or passing those events on to others. There seems to be a common set of criteria for those events. So, let us look into these common criteria for handling events and compare some of the vendors …

Abstraction Is the Future

The IT industry is abstracting everything it can, from hardware, to networking, to storage and more. “Abstract and build an API, and the world becomes better” seems to be the motto. Abstraction has become the goal of many subsystems. Many people seem to believe that if you move everything to software, everything will be better—and that if you use …

ITOA Types of Data

Any part of any infrastructure, application, or cloud is data. Data is used by applications, and myriad data is presented to IT organizations for their use, edification, insights, and more. But what really is this data? Can we classify the types of data in some way? Data classifications should not be just “structured” and “unstructured”; they must go deeper than …

Next-Generation ITaaS Includes ITOA

IT as a Service (ITaaS) is changing nearly every day. In the past, it was mainly about automating deployment through the contents of a service catalog. Today, it has grown to include IT operations analytics (ITOA). What matters isn’t whether we can select an application from a service catalog, but rather how we monitor and react …